Sunday, December 18, 2011

Going Digital

            It’s amazing how much things have changed. No more VHS tapes after DVD changed the movie game. Now its appears there is a transition from DVD and Blu-Ray disc to streaming movies. Once the tape cassette reigned supreme in the music industry, but that was swiftly overcome by the world-renowned CD format. Now the MP3 is the wave of the future as CD sales have dwindled annually. It appears that the transition to going digital has also taken place in the video game industry. Sony and Microsoft have made digitally downloadable content a fixture of the next generation gaming systems the PS3 and Xbox 360.

            The handle held gaming market deploys physical copies as the primary anchor to that market. However, as more powerful devices such as the PSP Go and PS Vita come on the market a transition to downloadable full games is beginning swiftly. The PSP Go for example strictly worked with digital content and discarded physical copies completely. Similarly the PS Vita is expected to be a digital system primarily. As mobile phones become more effective at being a complete entertainment center the cost of going digital is minimizing manufacturing cost by the day.  Most new generation phones stream movies, play A-list gaming titles, and connect to a consumer's previously downloaded music content with ease.

            Having a platform to provide your products digitally will allow your consumers to access your material on the go. One of the few downsides of digitally downloading video games is the time that it takes to download a graphical superior gaming experience. Streaming movies can be handled efficiently by most mobile devices, as the same can be said of music downloads.

            Going digital does not mean your physical products will have to be discarded. Yet a smooth transition to the inevitable should be expected and prepared for accordingly. This strategy can possibly set your company up to present its products on an international scale while lowering shipping cost in addition to manufacturing expenses. Digital sounds fancy in comparison to physical, but expect digital to become the norm over multiple product platforms.

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