Friday, September 23, 2011


The video game industry has sustained over a billion dollars in revenue for the past several years. It’s when these sort of startling revenue figures become consistent that an entertainment format becomes a giant. Video games have become more then just a portal to enjoy games on home consoles. In today’s video game market mobile gaming has become a giant into itself. Phone devices have recently flooded the gaming market with many viable video games in application formats. Understanding the shift to mobile gaming while strengthening the home console market, video game publishing has become more profitable in the current economic landscape.
Sony is placing a new handheld device on the market in the next quarter while Nintendo has continued to redesign their handheld device the DS over the past couple years. Recognizing the viability of the mobile market, it’s only a matter of time before Microsoft adapts to the changing market. Publishing and developing third party content for mobile phones can be lucrative, despite not having a handheld gaming device designed by your company. Gamers can be confident that market research will keep the handheld gaming market competitive as well as innovative.
It can be inferred that mobile gaming opens up a market that’s geared towards casual gamers. “Angry Birds” a major mobile video game has exploded on the market while capturing the attention of multiple demographics. Due to the impact of mobile phones within society, a video game portal is already in the hands of more consumers then any other handheld gaming device. The sheer number of households that have at least one mobile phone should make it apparent to game developers that the handheld gaming market has an abundance of potential. Working towards converting casual gamers to hardcore gamers has become much easier since the device of choice is readily available to consumers. The mobile phone may be the clear-cut future of video game industry through the remainder of this century.

Outside Sources:

Brown, E., & E., B. B. (2005). Coming Soon to a Tiny Screen Near You. Forbes, 175(11), 64-76. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Gaming's new frontier. (2003). Economist, 369(8344), 61. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

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