Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take It From An Industry Expert!!!

         Managing social media habits can be a daunting task for even an expert social media user. Even more difficult is the duty for employers to see if their employees are behaving in an ethical manner on social media outlets. Would you want the CFO of you company sharing racy picture over Facebook? Is it acceptable to have your senior accountant on twitter sharing insider financial information with competitors? Obviously these are issues that arise in the new technologically advanced era of social media.
         During litigation lawyers often will view the Facebook pages of all relevant parties in a particular case looking for signs of applicable issues. For example having racy pictures on your Facebook page while undergoing a sexual harassment allegation at work can be a detrimental mistake. Adversely sharing articles on respect for women throughout your Facebook page may show a caring side that otherwise would not have been revealed.
         In regards to patents, sending in multiple variations of an idea on one patent application can be extremely beneficial. This would protect each variation while allowing for wiggle room if a certain variation is denied. As with many parts of a business strategy having a back up intellectual property gives stability. Many issues can arise that stall a particular IP’s success over its lifetime. Having multiple variations prepared gives an economical umbrella.
         Understanding the rights that each individual is given on the Internet is key in today’s entertainment marketplace. Peer-to-peer sharing is a major negative in the eyes of the music industry in particular. Yet, peer-to-peer sharing has some positives that can be exploited with reasonable diligence. When music is being shared at the rates that they currently are, artist are reaching a wider audience then in years past although the revenue suggest differently. Working within the structure provided by the FCC music companies can always deal out comfortably on the Internet with little fear that anyone can block consumer access to the music of their choice. This freedom allows for small music companies to mingle freely in the same market space as enormous music companies.

Outside Sources

Management on Social Media: Good Employee Communication Tool or Liability? (Podcast)


Is Net Neutrality a Virtual Taking?

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